
BCCAT courses

Custom Courses

Ask BCCAT to create a course or workshop that will suit the needs of your group. Find out how courses can be specifically designed to meet your tribunal members’ continuing education needs. BCCAT will come to you so you can save on travel costs for your members. The Law Society, the Civil Resolution Tribunal, and the ALC are among the many groups that take advantage of this customized training. Inquire Now

Current Virtual Course Offerings

Training for new and seasoned tribunal practitioners:

Foundations of Administrative Justice
Practice & Procedures for Decision Makers

The objectives of this 2 day course for tribunal members are as follows:

Objectives of Session 1: (Day 1 morning)
  • Describe the focus of administrative law
  • Distinguish procedure from content of administrative decisions
  • List the four basic elements of the duty to be fair
  • List the potential elements of the right to know the case and reply and be able to recognize and discuss potential issues in fact situation
  • Describe the purpose of “the person who hears the case must decide it,” and identify potential issues
Objectives of Session 2: (Day 1 afternoon)
  • Understand the value of pre-hearing management on the hearing process
  • Understand the test for bias
  • Identify and resolve issues that could compromise the conduct of a fair hearing
  • Describe what evidence is
  • Outline the procedures for receiving and evaluating evidence
  • Describe the guidelines for assessing evidence objectively
Objectives of Session 3: (Day 2 morning)
** Guest Justice in the morning providing knowledge, perspective and advice from the bench.
  • Describe the difference between evidence and facts
  • Describe techniques for making sound decisions
  • Identify your strengths as a decision writer and areas where you can improve
  • List the essential elements of a good decision
  • Write clear, succinct introduction and issue statements
  • Prepare a coherent and logical decision outline
Objectives of Session 4: (Day 2 afternoon)
  • Identify the purpose and value of a Code of Conduct
  • Identify key ethical and professional responsibilities of a tribunal member
  • Through discussion of various scenarios, determine how to identify and resolve various types of ethical and adjudicative challenges that might be encountered in a hearing process

Foundations of Administrative Justice
Practice & Procedure for Post Secondary Educational Institutions

This 2 day course for specifically designed for decision makers in post secondary institutions covers:

  • Administrative law and principles of Natural Justice
  • Conducting fair hearings and evaluating evidence
  • Writing clear, well-reasoned decisions
  • Ethical and professional responsibilities for decision makers

Foundations of Administrative Justice
Practice & Procedure for Staff Members

This 1 day course will provide an introductory and practical overview of the fundamentals of administrative law as they apply in particular to support staff at tribunals and similar administrative decision-making bodies.

Topics covered include:

  • procedural fairness;
  • reviews and appeals;
  • legislative framework of decision-making bodies;
  • working effectively with decision makers; and
  • dealing with challenging complainants and other stakeholders.

Attendees will be taken through real-life examples and realistic scenarios and can expect to leave with concrete tools they will be able to immediately apply to their work. This course is recommended for staff who are new to administrative law or those seeking a refresher on fundamental principles.

Advanced Decision Writing Workshop
*Prerequisite course: Administrative Justice – Practice & Procedures for Decision Makers

This 2 day workshop, including lectures, discussions, writing exercises & individual feedback covering:

  • Adopt a reader-oriented perspective to making and writing decisions
  • How to enhance logic and flow
  • Writing clear, concise and coherent decisions

*Prerequisite course: Administrative Justice – Practice & Procedures for Decision Makers

Advanced Hearing Skills Workshop
* Prerequisite course: Administrative Justice – Practice & Procedures for Decision Makers

This 2 day workshop, including lectures, demonstrations and group exercises covering:

  • How to conduct fair and effective hearings
  • Guidelines for admitting evidence
  • Accessing credibility
  • Ethical and independence principles

*Prerequisite course: Administrative Justice – Practice & Procedures for Decision Makers

Inclusive Adjudication and Understanding Bias
*Developed in partnership with Alden E. Habacon

Inclusive Adjudication & Understanding Bias is a course designed to engage participants in discussions about implicit bias and intercultural competencies that impact on the decision making of adjudicators. This course was developed in partnership with Alden E. Habacon from Inclusive Excellence Strategy Solutions Inc.

Implicit biases and inter-culture competence affect everyone including decision makers who have a higher standard for fairness, ethical conduct, and fact-based decision making. This workshop will help you identify your implicit biases and how to disrupt them, and understand the meaning and relevance of “intercultural competence” and its potential impact on our perceptions and decision making.

Participants will examine the potential effect of these concepts on their communications, assessments of evidence and credibility, conduct of a fair proceeding, determinations, and decision writing. Participants will have an opportunity to identify best practices in dealing with issues of diversity in their own tribunal.


  • To understand what is “implicit bias” and how to disrupt implicit biases
  • To develop an understanding of culture and how it influences behaviour
  • To begin the conversation surrounding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations and its impact on our decision making
  • To apply the principles and competencies to scenarios affecting administrative decision makers and tribunals

Adjudication Skills for the 21st Century: An Online Primer

This course was designed in partnership with the Canadian Council of Administrative Tribunals (CCAT), and is specifically designed for decision-makers who participate in oral hearings, individually or as part of a panel. It may also be of interest to those who conduct “file” hearings, since many legal principles that govern the conduct of such proceedings are the same. The audience may include:

  • Newly-appointed tribunal members
  • Tribunal members who want to deepen their understanding of conducting hearings and writing decisions
  • Tribunal staff members

Cancellation: Participants cancelling two weeks prior to a course start date receive a full refund less a $50.00 administration fee. Written notification by email will be accepted. Participants cancelling later than 14 days forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although enrolment is transferable to another member of your organization at any time.